WS1 - New agricultural possibilities along with environmental protection

Agriculture receives more and more criticism for having a negative influence on the environment. Nitrate contamination in the groundwater, noxious climate gases or the extinction of wildlife are just a few examples for consequences that are eventually linked to food production. In reaction to this criticism, agriculture has already improved its production methods. Does the public simply ignore these endeavours or are they still insufficient? Which steps must be taken? Does environmental protection require a completely different style of agriculture? These topics will be discussed in this workshop. A leading member of an environmental organization will defend ecological interests, while a managing director of a company will represent the interests of the agricultural industry. Objectives and possibilities shall be discussed, as well as the economically reasonable limits of agriculture.


  • Dr. Axel Bergmann, water utility “Rheinisch Westfälische Wasserwerke“, Josef Tumbrinck, NABU NRW
  • Heinrich Emming, Johann Prümers, farmers
  • Dr. Maria Vormann, Lisa Verhaag, Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Moderation: Dr. Peter Epkenhans, Ulrich Bultmann, Agricultural Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia