WS2 - New agricultural possibilities along with animal welfare

Farming has turned into a controversially discussed topic in political debates. Due to these public debates, political parties defend a certain position passing more and more different guidelines, laws and regulations on European, national and regional levels which create several restrictions increasing the burden on agriculture and questioning former production methods. These developments imply that farmer families are beginning to seriously doubt their own operation processes and to question the purpose of such agricultural policies. Which one is the right way to go? Are the objectives commonly harmonized across the EU or do national states prefer to pursue their own interests? What are political parties going to do in order to limit the burden on farmers? This workshop is intended to give answers to these and other questions. An elected political representative is going to defend his positions, while a farmer who is affected by agricultural policies, will provide his statement.


  • Thomas Schröder, German organization for animal welfare “Dt. Tierschutzbund“, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hopp, veterinary entity “Kreisveterinäramt Soest“
  • Sebastian Ermann, Anke Knuf, farmers
  • Dr. Astrid vom Brocke, Andreas Pelzer, Agricultural Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Moderation: Christiane Deimel-Rüping, Josef Assheuer, Agricultural Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia