WS3 – New agricultural possibilities along with consumers/commercialisers

Price dumping in supermarkets or sustainably produced products straight from farmers – what do consumers really want? Farmers are expected to produce according to market demand and to comply with all norms and regulations. The number of labels that determine strictly defined production conditions is on the rise and retailers seem to challenge each other by trying to offer more products carrying one of these labels than their competitors. However, this way of competition does not affect prices of farm products, as there are hardly any incentives for using such labels. Some businesses are looking for alternative solutions via direct marketing, but food retailers have already climbed on the bandwagon starting to go for regional products. Farmer families are on the end of the chain trying to meet retailer and consumer demand on the one hand and to guarantee profitability on the other hand. A representative of consumer groups and a farmer are going to defend their positions and plan to discuss with the participants, in which way market requirements can be fulfilled.


  • Heribert Qualbrink, Westfleisch SCE, Andrea Dinig, Agravis
  • Hubertus Beringmeier, Andreas Meier, farmers
  • Dr. Frank Greshake, Heiner Wurm, Agricultural Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Moderation: Richard Niehues, Birgit Jacquemin, Agricultural Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia